Now in its closing two months, Scene’s precision solar irrigation project in Uganda – REFRUIT - is excited to share its findings to a wider audience, The eighteen-month project comprised a series of participatory farmer workshops, technology development and integration, two sets of dry and wet season technology pilot trials, and final data analysis, and reporting.

The REFRUIT project team – Scene Connect, Farm-Hand, Futurepump, and GADC – are now excited to share and reflect on the results of these pilot trials through an Industry Conference: Improving Irrigation for Small-Scale: The Benefits, Challenges & Strategies to Irrigation in East-Africa.

The Industry Conference will be held on:

Thursday 19th November 2020, from 13:00 – 16:30 GMT (15:00-18:30 East African Time).

The Conference location will be online. There are no conference fees.

About the Conference

The Conference will include practitioners in relevant fields from government, industry, research, advocacy, and technology, involved in improving agricultural productivity and irrigation innovation in East Africa. The contributions from these unique perspectives will be highly valued as together we will explore how innovations in irrigation technology, policy, and community-based business models can improve the productivity and prosperity of East Africa’s small-scale farmers, who form a critical foundation of the region’s economic and food base.

As one of the overarching principles of REFRUIT is to engage a wide range of stakeholders with interest in energy and displacement, we would like to extend an invitation to attend a half-day conference that explores:

  • How can understanding of the irrigation needs of small-scale agricultural systems be improved?

  • How can the needs of small-scale farmers and agricultural systems be addressed through innovation?

  • How can the benefits of small-scale irrigation solutions be delivered in a fair and equitable way?

Once registered, we will send you a participant conference package, which will contain the link to the conference, an overview of REFRUIT, and the confirmed programme. There will also be an opportunity to sign up for interactive sessions that are being hosted throughout the day on a range of topics.

Small-scale farmer Samira alongside the maize grown using her precision solar water pump as part of the REFRUIT project.

Small-scale farmer Samira alongside the maize grown using her precision solar water pump as part of the REFRUIT project.

Conference Agenda


We are very much looking forward to you joining us at the Conference on the 19th November. If you have any questions about the Conference event, or the REFRUIT project itself, please get in touch at:

Dominic Stephen

Conference Coordinator
